Makedo How to Make: Giant Cardboard Windball
If there’s any single Makedo project you have to make, it’s this one.
We’re releasing the secrets of Tanaka Satoshi’s infamous Giant Windball.
The Windball is one of our most revered Makedo creations. Notable for its stunning visual design, creativity, simplicity and adaptability - but most of all a Windball provides hours of play.
No need for further explanation; these pictures and video of one Giant Windball’s adventures in Japan speak larger than words.
Have a ‘ball’ of your own. Make a Windball of any size using cardboard scraps and some Scrus from the Makedo Shop. Click on the image below to download free printable PDF instructions for Tanaka Satoshi’s Giant Windball.

Note: Images showing early-version Makedo hardware.